/mu/ is still down. So I bring you some shoegaze, to cover for /mu/'s absence. Cosmicdust is a one-man shoegaze band from Japan. As seemingly all music from Japan that is not j-pop, this album has it's amount of noise. As My Bloody Valentine, it has the dreamy atmosphere combined with the delicious noisyness. However, where the noise of MBV becomes annoying to the later half of the album (AH FUCK MY EARS), this album balances it out with some quiet, near-ambient parts (Bird Cries is a pretty good example). On the other side, there is some delicious loudness (see Meditation), sometimes to the point of nearly being noise.
I would provide you with a link, but I can't find any. You can stream some of the tracks on the album page as well as on the myspace page. Good luck searching.
As a final, I'd like to mention LSD and the Search for God, which released a self-titled EP (last.fm) for streaming on last.fm (click to stream).

They're also shoegaze and quite a nice calm-down for after this album. See their Myspace page for more information. If you must download it, google can help you. The fourth hit is also one of the blogs that /mu/ has produced.
Listen, and enjoy!
last.fm music profile
last.fm user profile
/mu/ on last.fm
4chan status blog
blog of some of /mu/'s tripfags
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