I had my harddrive break down yesterday, so I couldn't make any posts I wanted to make. Instead, I'll post a good bunch of free music now. These are all bands I've known for a while and think you should totally hear.
We'll start off with the Russian post-hardcore band called .crrust.
Their album, You Came for the Everest, You'll Find Your Way Dead is up for free download on last.fm. The music is rather chaotic for post-hardcore, but I personally don't mind that (I've had a long love for grindcore).
Next up is the now-disbanded Hungarian band Gire. They play metal which I find hard to classify. It certainly has black metal influences, but it feels more like tharshy industrial metal. Make sure to check them out if you like rawer metal. here is their audio downloads page. The second demo, Energire, is amazing.
It has keyboards, but also has some of the rawest guitar sounds I've heard. I think they're pretty unique with this sound: I have yet to hear anything like it (feel free to let me know if you don't agree!).
Next up is something completely different: gay against you. It's glitchy, poppy, and hilarious chiptune stuff. Just go listen to it, their self-titled EP is right here.
And back to Russian hardcore we go: Follow the White Rabbit. Don't let the first track of their EP fool you: they play loud, chaotic mathcore. And they play it well.
Get it right here.
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