Melodic Death Metal with a LOT of keyboards and generally touches from gothic metal. Pretty fun. And no, it is not the same band as the Swedish death metal band that the cosmic hearse wrote about a month or two ago.
I bought this mainly because I enjoyed this Belgian noise (rock) duo's 2008 album, All Lined Up Against the Wall so much.
Last but certainly not least is this album, Mahjongg's debut album. This is some very solid dance-punk (at lack of a better genre name).
With these four purchases, I received the Röyksopp single Eple for free, as well as a promo for some anti-aids compilation.
In another store, I picked up:
I liked Paul's Boutique and given the legacy of this album.. well, 'nuff said.
Room Eleven was a fairly new Dutch jazz group with a very gentle sound. The band recently disbanded, and that's quite a shame.
I guess I will be writing something about the above albums in the near future.
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